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One Big Reason To Connect With Your Higher Self

No matter what you call it — higher self, soul, inner wisdom — there’s one big reason to connect with your higher self. And that’s because it can help you examine your inner stories and trust yourself. I work with a lot of people who have a hard time trusting themselves, and I understand because I was there too. It took two things — understanding my neurotype and gender and connecting with my higher self — to really begin to look at the stories I had been fed all my life and realize just how wrong they were. Once I began examining those stories, I could trust myself.

I think it’s easy to dismiss the idea of a higher self as “woo woo” or new age nonsense. I get it. Especially for those who have been harmed by organized religion or who have had bad experiences with spirituality, the idea of moving into the spiritual realm can be difficult. As someone who experienced abuse at the hands of clergy (and ableism when I tried to reconnect with my spirituality) I understand the need to push back against spirituality, and the pain caused by denying it.

When you connect with your higher self, you remember to trust yourself. You remember who you are and who you wanted to be.

The good news is that there’s no one true way to connect with your higher self. Some people find it easier to do during meditation or through practices such as yoga. Others like meditation and ritual. I prefer a combination of all of these, depending on the need, the day, and how I’m feeling.

It can be difficult to trust yourself. I understand that, and I hear it from those in my community. For too long we’ve been told that we’re wrong, that we don’t know what we’re doing, or we feel as if we’re “humaning” wrong. The good news is that there’s no one right way to “human”. We’re all being human, and it’s in that state of being that we can discover ourselves, connect with ourselves, and learn to trust that we are able to bring our authentic selves to the world, and honestly, that the world needs our authentic selves.

If you haven’t yet started to think about connecting with your higher self, I encourage you to find somewhere that you can sit quietly. Put on some soft music or light a candle or incense if you feel moved to do so. You can also do this practice in a state of movement like a walk outdoors or even dancing. Ask yourself this question:

What should I know right now?

Do not judge whatever answer comes up, even if it’s that mean inner voice. Thank it for speaking.

Then ask: is this true for me?

Now, if we’re used to listening to that mean inner voice, which is another way in which we don’t trust ourselves, we may instantly answer yes. So I’d ask you to provide one final question: is this something I’d say to a good friend or a loved one?

Chances, are if it’s that mean little voice talking you’re going to answer “no” to that question. Again, no judgement. We all have those times when we say things to ourselves that we wouldn’t say to someone we care about. In fact, it’s a pretty common way of being human that we’re harder on ourselves than others. If you do answer “no” then ask what would you say to a friend or loved one who feels the way you do. Tell yourself that. Most of all, if you can, believe it.

If you have a difficult time speaking to yourself this way, and again, I understand, then imagine what a friend, loved one, or even your favorite character from a movie or video game would say to you. Having that stand in can get us used to hearing good things about ourselves, or trusting our own wisdom. And that is a form of connecting with something larger than yourself, beyond yourself, and yes, that is spirituality too.

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