About the Feathermane Soul Wisdom Show
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Official Show Description
A show helping you become your authentic self and live an embodied life by combining spirituality, re-story-ation, and mental health to accept yourself and discover your connection to your inner being.This show is for those who are on the venn diagram of neurodivergent, queer, and/or chronically ill/disabled. If one (or more) of those describes you, then you’re in the right place.
“Unofficial” Show Description
As someone with an interest in religion, spirituality, and psychology, as well as someone who has spent decades trying to figure out my neurodivergent brain even before I knew I was neurodivergent, this show is born from the fact that the “experts” often don’t work with the nuance and intersectionality that’s required. Because let’s be honest, most psychology, and that would include self-help stuff, is written from a neurotypical, cis, heterosexual point of view. A large portion of the DSM is simply pathologizing actual, normal, human responses to the bad things that happen. Now, psychology is trying to change, and there are good mental health professionals out there. But most of them don’t deal with people like us, and most of them don’t quite understand what role spirituality (which isn’t organized religion) plays in our lives.
There are no quick fixes or talk of “being cured” here. You’re not broken and there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a bit of the universe trying to understand itself and having a very human experience in a physical body. That’s messy and sometimes weird. But that’s where Feathermane Soul Wisdom is there to hold space, provide tools and insight, and perhaps help you accept and even love your fully human experience. I’m a body theologist, and my goal is to help you trace the sacred contours of your experience.
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Feathermane Soul Wisdom shares spiritual wisdom to help neurodivergent people find liberation and radical self-love and acceptance. The host, Kit Caelsto, is a trauma-informed spiritual mentor working through a wide liberation lens including disability liberation, mad liberation, neurodivergent liberation, and queer liberation. They use yoga philosophy and spirituality to help you drop the masks and be your fully embodied and amazingly divine authentic self.