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You deserve to have someone see all of you.

Spiritual mentor

Kit Caelsto

We are all intersectional embodied spirits. For example, I’m genderqueer, transmasculine, neuroqueer and multiply neurodivergent (AuDHD+), chronically ill, and disabled under the social and medical models.

I’ve always been interested in spirituality and religion, so much so that I’m currently a graduate student in Religious Studies. As a yoga teacher, meditation instructor, reiki master, energy worker, and sacred herd keeper I use tools to make meaning and understanding in a world that is very much not built for me, and I want to help you do the same.

Instead of listening to one more person tell you how you should be or what you need to do for more “productivity”, let’s have a conversation about how you can get in touch with your embodied existence and fully embrace who you are so you can live with authentic joy.

Want to get started? Try this free grounding toolkit.

    meet the horses

    The Sacred Herd

    Pardon Our Dust

    We’re putting some final touches on the website, but couldn’t wait to bring it to you. Please feel free to use the contact form if you have questions. Thanks for your understanding.