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Would you like to support my work? Did something I say/write resonate with you and you’d like to leave a tip. There are many ways to this, and I’ve listed several on this page.

Support Our Podcast

Quick Ways to Support

My Ko-Fi link | Literally buy me a coffee (Amazon beverage wishlist)

Support the Sacred Herd

The sacred herd of horses which I care for as part of my personal devotion to Epona. They are also a part of the work that I do and what I share with you. If you’ve received a Horse Wisdom Reading and want to “tip” or simply wish to express support for their presence, check out our Amazon wish list or donate directly to their care. All funds will go toward winter hay purchases, farrier and veterinary care, as well as their routine feeding. The horses appreciate your support.

Browse our Amazon wishlist for a collection of items that would be helpful to our work here.

Scholarship Fund and HQ

I would love to build a scholarship fund so that those who cannot afford my services can still attend class or receive spiritual mentoring. Your donation to our scholarship fund will go directly into savings to be used strictly to help those less fortunate access spiritual mentoring and support.

Additionally, we have a plot of land here on our homestead that’s been cleared and is ready to have our “barn-di-studio” built on it. This would be a multi-purpose building that would house Feathermane Soul HQ (yoga studio, recording studio) as an adjunct to my office cabin which I am currently using. Additionally, there would be water brought closer to the horses with a barn in one end. The building itself will run around $35,000-40,000. We have estimates for the concrete pad for the foundation, and the rest would be used to finish the interior. The good news is that HQ money doesn’t need to come at one time. Our first goal is around $20,000 for the cement pad.

General Tip/Donation

Want to tip and not sure which cause you want to support or none of them are speaking to you? General tips can be submitted here.

Pardon Our Dust

We’re putting some final touches on the website, but couldn’t wait to bring it to you. Please feel free to use the contact form if you have questions. Thanks for your understanding.