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Changes Coming to Feathermane Soul

Today’s blog is a brief notification of changes that will be coming to Feathermane Soul. They’re good changes, and I hope you like them. Right now I’ve been blogging once a week (on Mondays) and then posting smaller videos to social media a few times a week. However, I’ve been wanting to dive into longer form videos talking about various topics as well as lean into my religious studies and spirituality work, because the more I dive into it, the more I realize that for many neurodivergent people, reclaiming (and re-story-ation of) our spirituality in a way that’s meaningful to us is a way to help remember and discover our authentic, embodied selves.

Well I am pleased to announce that while I’m taking some time off here at the end of the year, I will be blogging more often and making those long-form videos. I have several topics already planned and am looking forward to bringing you this information.

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