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Tag: AuDHD

Episode 4: What Does It Mean To Be Autispiritual?

The term autispiritual picks up on the tradition of such words as neuroqueer and autigender where our neurodiversity and/or autism directly impacts our experiences as queer individuals or our experience of our gender. Autispiritual means that our autism impacts our spirituality. To broaden it we can talk about neurospiritual where our neurotype impacts our spirituality.…

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Crafting the Spiritual Intersection of Queer and Neurodivergent

I generally explain my work as helping those who are on the venn diagram of neurodivergent, queer, and chronically ill/disabled reconnect with their stories so they can be their full, embodied self and live authentically. When I think of that venn diagram, I imagine that there are those who would only identify as queer or…

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