Life Coaching Policy
When you enter into life coaching services with Feathermane Soul, you do so with the full understanding that:
Life coaching is not a substitute for legal, financial, medical, or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. No diagnosis is given. Medication is never prescribed. Should Feathermane Soul feel you may benefit from professional assistance, it may be suggested to you, but you are under no obligation to take the advice and such suggestions are not meant to be treatment or diagnosis. You are encouraged to continue working with any professional partners (legal, financial, medical, or psychological) as you currently do and are NEVER told to stop treatment or that will you will be “healed”.
Participation is always voluntary and you may choose to end my participation at any time.
Any information exchanged during any session is educational in nature and is to be used at your own discretion. Any information imparted during these sessions is strictly confidential in nature and will not be shared with anyone without written permission except where required by law.
Feathermane Soul cannot guarantee any outcome and provides no warranties and none are expressed or implied. Each individual responds and reacts differently to life coaching advice, and there are many factors outside of the sessions which may impact outcome, including your willingness to do the work.
Payment for services constitutes an acceptance of this policy, our privacy policy, and terms and conditions. These policies may change at any time.
Missed Session Policy
Sessions cancelled with 24 hours (or more) notice may be rescheduled once. Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hour’s notice may be rescheduled once at the discretion of Feathermane Soul.
NO SHOWS are forfeited fees at the discretion of Feathermane Soul.
Habitual reschedules may lose their right to reschedule sessions at the discretion of Feathermane Soul.
Scheduling Policy
Sessions are scheduled at least 24 hours in advance except with the express, written permission of Feathermane Soul. Emergency or Rush sessions will incur an additional fee.
Package Purchase Policy
Feathermane Soul offers packages of sessions for the convenience and savings of the client. These sessions expire 1 year from purchase and must be used in this time. (For example, purchases made July 1, 2025 will expire July 1, 2026.) The missed session policy applies to any session once a package coupon is applied.
Refund Policy
We do not give cash refunds.
Pricing Policy
Prices, quantity, or descriptions subject to change at any time.
No health (mental or physical), financial, legal, or other outcome is expressed or implied. Please consult a doctor, therapist, or other professional if you have questions or concerns before starting holistic care. I am not a medical, legal or financial professional, nor do I give medical, financial, or legal advice. Your benefits may vary depending on a variety of factors including length of treatment and what you do outside of our sessions. Thank you.